This character sheet is based on the one I created for Earthdawn tabletop games. However, as most of those playing in my online game do not have access to the game rules, I am going to explain all of its contents here. Further, anything meant as an example of what would go on the character sheet page will be in Navy Monospace Text.
The Name of your character is the basis of all his magic and all his powers. If he ever discards it, nothing on the sheet is retained. Also Known As would include any nicknames, epithets, and aliases you use.
Description will include gender, race, age, and the date the character joined the campaign, as well as physical description, manner of dress, and so on.
Disciplines are the ways of magical thought that the character knows, such as Air Sailor, Elementalist, or Weaponsmith. This space would include not just the Discipline but the Circle attained.
Dex, Str, Tough, Per, Will, and Cha are Attributes--Dexterity, Strength, Toughness, Perception, Willpower, and Charisma. The notation will include how many increases have been bought (in parentheses), the base value, then a slash and the step number for the attribute. So Aerilynn, who has bought two increases to her original dexterity of 20 and now has a dexterity step of 9, would see this on the sheet:
Dex(+2) 22/9
PD is physical defense, the base difficulty number to be hit in combat. If the character carries a shield, this will increase the difficulty number for somebody to get an armor defeating hit, which would be noted after a slash.
SpD is Spell Defense, the base difficulty number to be affected by magic. If the character carries a shield with Mystic Armor, this will increase the difficulty number for somebody to get an armor defeating hit, which would be noted after a slash.
SoD is Social Defense, the base difficulty number to be manipulated in social interaction.
MV is Movement, noted as Full/Combat. Init is net Initiative Step. Your base Initiative Step is your Dexterity Step, and it is modified by most kinds of armor and occasionally some other things. AR is Armor Rating from all armor, shields, and enchantments, noted as PA/MA/Init penalty where PA is the physical armor rating and MA is the mystic armor rating. Damage from physical attacks is reduced by physical armor, and damage from magic attacks is reduced by Mystic Armor. As an example, hide armor would be AR: 5/1/-1.
DR is Death Rating, the amount of damage it takes to kill you. UR is Unconsciousness Rating, the amount of damage it takes to knock you out. WT is Wound Threshold, the amount of damage it takes in ONE hit to cause a Wound. (Wounds are explained in the combat rules.) Rec is the number of recovery tests you get each day (followed by recovery step if so desired).
MaxK is the maximum number of karma points you can have. Kcost is cost in legend points per karma point. Kstep is the Karma Step (3-6, or note normal karma die or dice). Race abilities should be obvious. All of these are dependent on your race.
The first column of the Talents and Skills table shows the names of all your talents and skills. Discipline Talents will be in italics; karma required talents will be in bold face.
Rank is how well you know the talent or skill. Base is the base attribute step that tests for that talent or skill is based on. For example, Avoid Blow is based on the D (dexterity) step, and Flame Arrow is based on the W (willpower) step, plus 3.
Strain is how much life force you must sacrifice to power the talent or skill. In other words, it is how much damage you take when you use the skill or talent.
Karma is marked either Y for required, N for not available, or D for Discipline Talents. Discipline talents are the favored talents of your Discipline, and you may spend karma or not on them as you wish. You can also learn special knacks for using them in different ways.
Action will show Y if the Talent or skill requires an action in combat, N if it does not, and T if it requires a lot of time.
Finally, Step is the sum of Rank+Base, the step you roll when you use the talent or skill.
Skills will have a (K) next to the name if they are knowledge skills, an (A) if they are Artisan Skills, and a (S) for all other skills.
Let's take some examples from the Archer talent list. For simplicity's sake, I assumed that all of this archer's Attribute Steps are 6. I am not going to explain the talents here. I will email you explanations of the Talents you can use as you are able to gain them.
Talent | rank | base | strain | karma | action | step |
Avoid Blow | 3 | D | 1 | N | N | 9 |
Direction Arrow | 3 | P | 1-4 | D | Y | 9 |
Karma Ritual | 3 | - | - | - | T | 3 |
Missile Weapons | 3 | D | 0 | D | Y | 9 |
Mystic Aim | 3 | P | 1 | D | Y | 9 |
True Shot | 3 | D | 0 | Y | Y | 9 |
6/5 Durability | 3 | - | - | - | - | 3 |
Sprint | 3 | mv | 1 | N | N | 3 |
Throwing Weapons | 3 | D | 0 | N | Y | 9 |
Flame Arrow | 3 | W+3 | 2 | D | Y | 12 |
Wound Balance | 3 | S | 0 | N | N | 9 |
Weapons statistics are Step, Short range, medium range, long range, and ammunition count. Step is the weapon's damage step. This is added to your strength step to get the step rolled for damage tests with that weapon. Ranges will be the outside limits of short, medium, and long range. Ammo will show how many shots of any given ranged weapon you are carrying. It will be left blank for melee weapons.
Permanent damage comes from blood magic. In most cases it is not permanent, but rather can be healed in a year and a day.
Carry, Lift, and Load are for the character's carrying capacity, lifting capacity, and total weight of gear currently carried. Cavalrymen will duplicate these entries for their mounts. Figure 80 silver pieces weigh a pound, as do 160 gold pieces.
I note the weight and game attributes of EVERYTHING I HAVE here, including weapons, armor, other gear, thread items, you NAME it -- except for cash.
I also put all the threads a character has woven into the equipment section, so that I can keep track of how many Legend Points have been spent on them. I even keep note of severed threads here. My preferred notation is something like
GTP to WT r3 next 1300 (A rank 3 thread woven from the Group True Pattern to my Wound Threshold; the next rank will cost 1300 LP)
Me to Lothair's SpD r2 next 300 (A thread I've woven to Lothair's Spell Defense. Rank is 2 and the next rank costs 300)
Lothair to my PD r3 (this is a thread that Lothair has woven to ME. I didn't weave it, so cost doesn't matter.)
City of V'strimon to my SoD r4 next 800 (A thread I've woven to my Social Defense that's only active when I'm in the Floating City of V'strimon)
My SoD vs Arkandurol r2 next 300 (A thread I've woven to to boost my Social Defense against Arkandurol)
Friendship's Net r4 next 1300 (A rank 4 thread I've woven to a sword Named Friendship's Net)
Because money, damage, Wounds, and Karma all change during the course of a game, I don't generally expect to keep track of them here. Instead, I will have a Notepad where I will track such things. I will tell you what they are during the course of the session as they change.
I don't track current LP. I track how many LP total I have earned, and how many LP total I have spent. To see how many I currently have, I subtract the latter from the former. As calculators can be had for under $1, this is not unreasonable. This way I don't have to guess at your Legendary Status.
Not everyone will have spells. Elementalists, Illusionists, Nethermancers, and Wizards all start the game knowing spells. Legendary weaponsmiths can learn Elementalism.
The headings on the spell table are Spell, circle, attune, weave, range, duration, effect, and difficulty. Spell is the name of the spell. Circle is the rank of Read and Write Magic you must have in order to learn the spell, and the minimum rank of spell matrix you can place the spell within. Threads is how many spell threads you must weave to the spell to cast it. Normally, you will need at least this many combat rounds, plus 1, to cast the spell. Weave is the difficulty number of the thread weaving test to add spell threads to the matrix. Attune is the difficulty number of the thread weaving test to attune a matrix to the spell on the fly. Range is how far you may cast the spell. Self indicates a spell you can only cast upon yourself, and Touch is a spell you can only cast on somebody at melee range. If you are close enough for them to hit you, it's assumed you can make your touch without needing a test to do so. Duration is how long a spell lasts, when cast. R refers to your Rank in Spellcasting (e.g., R+3 rds means 3 more rounds than your rank in Spellcasting). Effect is the effect step, if any. Difficulty is the difficulty number for the Spellcasting test to successfully use the spell. You must still make a Spellcasting test for touch range spells and spells cast upon yourself. The page will include descriptions of the spells below the spell table.
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