For added simplicity (and the sanity of the game designers), money in Earthdawn is decimal. That is, each coin is valued at ten of the one below it. People will accept all Theran and Throalic coins at face value, as Throal decided long ago to mint their coins at the same weight and purity as Thera. The most common coins are coppers, which weigh 1/2 ounce. Very few Theran coppers come into Barsaive. Throalic coppers are six sided and feature a pick and a hammer on both sides, and bear the legend "Together we rebuild Barsaive." They are called toolkits, hammers, or builders, and because they come up the same no matter how you flip them, they give rise to the proverb "The peasant's luck is always the same."
Adepts will deal most often with silver pieces, which weigh 1/5 ounce. Theran silvers are oval and called argentus; they usually show the profile of the First Governor at the time they were minted on the obverse, and a Theran Legionnaire on the reverse. Throalic silvers are six sided, and feature the profile of Tav Korelsed, the kingdom's founder, on the obverse, and the Council Compact , opened to the page outlawing slavery, on the reverse. They are also called Tavs, books, and founders.
Gold pieces are rarely used for transactions under 1,000 silvers, and they almost always draw interest and commentary from merchants. They weigh 1/10 ounce. Theran gold pieces are called orrus; they are circular with milled edges. The obverse shows the profile of Kearos Navarim and and bears the legnend, "The Foundation which leads the World" and the reverse shows the Eternal Library. Throalic gold pieces are six sided. The obverse shows King Braza overlooking the Throal Mountains and the reverse a dwarf slave throwing off his shackles, surrounded by a halo of light. They are called Brazas, Fates, and two-siders.
Earth and water coins each weigh 1/10 ounce, and contain kernels of True Earth and True Water, respectively. They are used almost exclusively for enchanting and dealing with elemental spirits. Almost all merchants will direct you to a moneychanger if you try to spend them. Earth pieces are dull brown but will shine brightly under strong light. Water pieces made in Barsaive are almost always of fresh water, and those made in Thera are of salt water.
Air and fire coins weigh 1/10 ounce, and contain kernels of True Air or True Fire. They are used almost exclusively for enchanting and dealing with elemental spirits. Almost all merchants will direct you to a moneychanger if you try to spend them. An air coin resembles clear crystal; if it is struck, it will ring and levitate a few inches into the air, with the ringing tone fading is it slowly sinks back to the surface. A fire coin resembles a disk of swirling flame, but it is cool to the touch. If it is struck, it will shoot out a lick of flame able to light most lanterns, torches, and tinder.
Orichalcum coins are extremely rare; even the wealthiest nobles rarely have a single orichalcum piece. Because they are often used by Adepts in the Training Pledge and the Ghost Master Ritual, spending them is almost unheard of. They weigh 1/10 ounce and must be made, one by one, by elementalist adepts, who do not share the secrets of producing them.
1 orichalcum=10 fire or air=100 earth or water=1000 gold=10,000 silver=100,000 copper
All prices are in silver, unless marked cp for copper.
The weapons you can use are limited by your race. For most races, any weapon of size 1-3 can be used in one hand, and any weapon size 4-6 can be used in two hands. Dwarfs may not use size 6 missile weapons; they are too ungainly. Obsidimen and trolls may use any melee weapon of size 2-4 in one hand. Size 1 weapons are too small for them to use effectively in combat. Size 4 missile weapons still require both hands to use. They cannot use weapons larger than size 6. Windlings can use size 1 weapons in one hand; a knife is used like a dagger, and a dagger like a broadsword. Windlings can use size 2 weapons in two hands, such as short swords and clubs. Windling spears are size 2, but they can be thrown 1-handed, even while flying, because of their superb balance.
There are no game-mechanics differences between weapons of bone, stone, or metal. Few swords are made of stone, bone, or living crystal, but some axes, spears, maces, clubs, arrowheads, bolt tips, knives, and daggers are. There are even a few varieties of wood able to hold a combat-worthy edge or point.
Melee weapons in Earthdawn are fairly generic. There are no game-mechanics differences between a baselard and a jambaiya, nor a wakizashi and a gladius, nor a samshir and a basket-hilt claymore. You can choose the appearance and style of your weapons based on what you like and think fits your character concept.
Weapon | size | strength minimum | damage step | weight | cost |
Knife | 1 | 4 | 1 | 5/8 | 3cp |
Dagger | 1 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 8cp |
Dwarf Sword | 2 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 6 |
Short Sword | 2 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 16 |
Broad Sword | 3 | 9 | 5 | 3 | 25 |
Troll Sword | 4 | 13 | 6 | 6 | 50 |
2-hand Sword | 5 | 15 | 7 | 7 | 125 |
Hand Axe | 2 | 10 | 4 | 2 | 12 |
Battle Axe | 4 | 13 | 6 | 5 | 35 |
Pole Axe | 6 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 150 |
Pole Arms | 6 | 15 | 8 | 12 | 100-175 |
Spear | 4 | 11 | 4 | 4 | 3 |
Trident | 3 | 11 | 5 | 7 | 25 |
Lance | 6 | 15 | 5 | 10 | 150 |
Sap | 1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Club | 2 | 7 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Quarterstaff | 5 | 5 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Mace | 3 | 9 | 4 | 5 | 20 |
Flail | 3 | 10 | 5 | 8 | 25 |
Morningstar | 4 | 13 | 6 | 8 | 40 |
Warhammer | 5 | 15 | 7 | 7 | 125 |
Whip* | 3 | 7 | 3 | 1 | 10 |
Knife: Basic cutting tool, 3-6" blade
Dagger: Basic cut and thrust weapon, 8-12" blade
Dwarf Sword: A curved, wide-bladed, single edged weapon, blade about 14-18" long, favored by dwarf merchants.
Short Sword: Includes most cut and thrust weapons with blades from 16-24" long. Many windlings prefer these with a hilt modified so they can use them two-handed.
Broad Sword: Includes most cut and/or thrust weapons with blades from 28-36" long.
Troll Sword: Includes most cut and/or thrust weapons with blades from 40-48" long. Trolls and obsidimen use them one-handed; others use them two-handed.
Two-Handed Sword: The largest bladed weapons in Barsaive; includes most bladed weapons with blades from 50-60" long.
Hand Axe: Almost any hatchet, tomahawk, or other wood-hafted tool with a chopping head at one end, up to 2 feet long.
Battle Axe: Almost any wood-hafted weapon with a single or double chopping head at one end, 3 to 4 feet long.
Pole Axe: A six-to-eight foot long shaft with a big chopping head at one end. One of the most feared weapons in Barsaive, and an example of a Pole Arm.
Pole Arms: Includes most pole weapons up to eight feet long, except for javelins. Cost varies with the complexity of the shape of the head and the fearsomeness of appearance.
Spear: A dagger on a stick, four to five feet long. D&D™ and Diablo 2™ players will know this as a javelin. Usually used as a throwing weapon, because it can be thrown one-handed. If used in melee, both hands are needed.
Trident: In spite of its five-to-eight foot length, and the need to use two hands to weild it, it counts as a size 3 weapon for construction. Most often used by t'skrang fishermen.
Lance: A lance is a spear 10-15 feet long, specially balanced so that it can be used from horseback one-handed. Afoot, it requires two hands to use. Lances are prone to breakage, so paying extra for quality is often worthwhile.
Sap: A sap is a leather tube filled with small rocks, metal pellets, or sand. You can improvise one from a sock and a cobblestone.
Club: A short piece of wood or stone, narrower where you hold it and wider where it hits.
Quarterstaff: A pole 4 1/2 to 7 feet long, usually with metal caps at both ends.
Mace: A club with a metal head; hollow balls or thick flanges of metal are most common. Some have metal shafts.
Flail: A wooden handle 2-4 feet long joined by a short chain to a striking head--spiked metal balls, metal rods, and wooden rods with spiked metal straps wrapped around them are most common.
Morningstar: A 4 foot long wooden club with a head either set with spikes or sometimes wrapped with spiked iron straps.
Warhammer: A five foot long wooden pole with a heavy crushing head at one end.
Whip: A flexible leather thong, sometimes made of braided strips, 5-20 feet long, which may or may not have a weighted tip. On a Good success, the weilder has entangled his target, who must make a Strength test against a difficulty number of 9 to free himself. *Minimum Dexterity of 7 to use a whip.
Ranges shown for throwing weapons are the outer limit of each range category, in yards. Medium range imposes a 2 step penalty to attack and damage, and these penalties increase to 3 steps at long range.
Weapon | Size | strength minimum | damage step | weight | cost | short | med | long |
Windling Net | 2 | 4 | NA | 2 | 15 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Net | 6 | 9 | NA | 5 | 15 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Darts | 1 | 5 | 1 | 1/8 | 5 cp | 3 | 6 | 9 |
Dagger | 1 | 9 | 2 | 1 | 8 cp | 5 | 10 | 15 |
Throwing Dagger | 1 | 12 | 2 | 3/4 | 2 | 10 | 20 | 30 |
Burning Oil | 3 | 5 | 5* | 1/2 | 6 | 10 | 20 | 30 |
Bolas | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1 | 10 | 15 | 25 | 35 |
Throwing Axe | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 25 | 15 | 25 | 40 |
Flight Dagger | 1 | 12 | 2 | 3/4 | 25 | 15 | 40 | 75 |
Windling Spear | 2 | 4 | 2 | 1/2 | 45 | 15 | 40 | 75 |
Spear | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 15 | 40 | 100 |
Hawk Hatchet | 3 | 9 | 4 | 2 | 125 | 25 | 80 | 125 |
Nets: Nets can be of nearly any size and composition, from the fine sadoor nets of the windlings, which fit into a pocket and can trap an ork, to the huge Theran slaver nets that can capture up to ten people. Large pieces of cloth, such as airship sails and tapestries, can be improvised into nets. A successful attack test against the target's physical defense entangles the target, who must make a strength test against a difficulty number of the attack test that entangled him in order to free himself.
Darts: Any small, balanced throwing weapon under 6 inches counts as a dart, including throwing stars.
Dagger: This is a melee weapons dagger, but it can be thrown.
Throwing Dagger: Thinner, flatter, and lighter than a melee dagger. It can be used in melee without penalty.
Burning Oil: Sets the target on fire, doing step 5 damage for 3 rounds.
Bolas: 2 to 4 weights on straps 1-2 feet long, sometimes carved into artistic shapes. Windlings cannot throw bolas while flying. Any target hit by bolas must make a Strength test against difficulty 9 to free himself, or he remains entangled.
Throwing Axe: While these are the same size as hand axes, they are too unbalanced for windlings to throw.
Flight Dagger: A throwing dagger with kernels of True Air woven into it, to give it added range.
Windling Spear: These are crafted with extraordinary precision and balance, so that windlings can throw them one-handed, even when flying.
Spear: This is the same javelin-like spear described in Melee Weapons.
Hawk Hatchet: This is a 2 foot long shaft with large blades on both ends, giving it a 'Z' shape. It is thrown horizontally with a spinning motion, so that the blades give it lift and extraordinary range.
Missile weapons are any devices a person uses to fling or shoot missiles. All missile weapons require two hands to load. All bows and crossbows, regardless of size, require two hands to use. Dwarfs cannot use size 6 missile weapons.
Weapon | Size | strength minimum | damage step | weight | cost | short | med | long |
Blowgun | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5/8 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 6 |
Sling | 2 | 7 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 15 | 40 | 100 |
Troll Sling | 4 | 15 | 4 | 4 | 15 | 25 | 60 | 100 |
Windling Bow | 2 | 5 | 3 | 7/8 | 25 | 25 | 80 | 100 |
Short Bow | 4 | 10 | 3 | 3 | 15 | 25 | 80 | 120 |
Long Bow | 5 | 13 | 4 | 4 | 60 | 40 | 100 | 220 |
Light Crossbow | 4 | 10 | 4 | 5 | 50 | 50 | 125 | 200 |
Medium Crossbow | 5 | 13 | 5 | 6 | 100 | 50 | 175 | 275 |
Elven Warbow | 6 | 13* | 5 | 4 | 200 | 40 | 200 | 300 |
Blowgun: Often only 1 foot long. A box of 10 needles costs 1 sp and weighs 1/2 pound.
Sling: Throws a rock that weighs 1/4 to 1/2 pound. Some will buy and carry lead shot, which weighs the same and takes up much less space, but most consider this a waste of money. Windlings cannot use slings while flying.
Troll Sling: A large sling mounted on a 4 foot staff. Trolls and obsidimen can swing these one-handed. Throws loads up to 1 1/2 pounds.
Windling Bow: Windlings can use these while flying. Nobody else uses them at all. 20 windling arrows cost 5 sp and weigh 1/2 pound. Windlings can wear their quivers over the back or at the hip.
Short Bow: Includes most bows up to four feet long. 20 short bow arrows cost 5 sp and weigh 5 pounds.
Long Bow: Includes most bows over 5 feet long. 20 long bow arrows cost 10 sp and weigh 7 pounds.
Light Crossbow: Light crossbows typically have a stock 1 1/2 feet long and a stave about 14 inches across when strung. Because they are so small, they can be hidden under a cloak. 15 light bolts sell for 15 sp and weigh 3 pounds.
Medium Crossbow: Medium crossbows typically have a stock over 2 feet long and a stave at least 18" across when strung. 15 medium bolts cost 20 sp and weigh 3 pounds.
Elven Warbow: Elven Warbows are at least 6 feet long and are usually made of 3 or more woods, sometimes with horn. They require 15 dexterity to use. 20 warbow arrows cost 25 sp and weigh 7 pounds.
Quivers cost 2 sp and weigh 3 pounds. Dwarfs must wear arrow quivers over the back. Most other quivers can be worn at the hip if desired. Windling quivers cost 3 sp and weigh 1/2 pound.
Because of their physiques, obsidimen, trolls, windlings, and t'skrang all pay 10% extra for armor. Armor crafted for trolls and obsidimen weighs 25% extra. Windling armor only weighs 1/5 what normal armor does. Obsidimen will only wear living armor--fernweave, implant armor, and active living crystal. They will carry any shield they like. Windlings rarely, if ever, carry shields. Shields will increase the difficulty number for an armor-defeating by 1/2 its physical armor rating, rounded up.
Armor type | cost | physical armor | mystic armor | weight | initiative penalty |
Padded Cloth | 2 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
Leather | 10 | 3 | 0 | 15 | 0 |
Padded Leather | 20 | 4 | 0 | 20 | 0 |
Hardened Leather | 40 | 5 | 0 | 20 | 1 |
Hide Armor | 50 | 5 | 1 | 25 | 1 |
Obsidiman Skin | 100 | 3 | 1 | 20 | 0 |
Ring Mail | 110 | 6 | 0 | 30 | 2 |
Fernweave | 125 | 2 | 3 | 15 | 0 |
Chain Mail | 180 | 7 | 0 | 40 | 3 |
Blood Pebbles | 300 | 5 | 3 | NA | 1 |
Crystal Ringlet | 500 | 4 | 4 | 45 | 2 |
Banded Armor | 700 | 8 | 0 | 45 | 3 |
Living Crystal | 1,100 | 6 | 3 | NA | 2 |
Plate Mail | 3,000 | 9 | 0 | 60 | 4 |
Crystal Plate | 12,000 | 7 | 7 | 90 | 5 |
Buckler | 5 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Ferndask | 22 | 1 | 2 | 8 | 1 |
Footman's | 15 | 3 | 0 | 10 | 1 |
Rider's | 20 | 3 | 0 | 8 | 1 |
Crystal Viking | 150 | 3 | 3 | 15 | 2 |
Body | 50 | 5 | 0 | 15 | 2 |
Padded Cloth: Armor made like a quilt. Very hard to keep clean. Reaches the elbows and knees, with no helm.
Leather: Armor made of several layers of normal leather. Reaches the elbows and knees, with no helm.
Padded Leather: Leather armor with felt or padding sewn in between the layers. Reaches the elbows and knees, with no helm.
Hardened Leather: Thick leather that has been boiled in wax or oil. Reaches the elbows and knees, with no helm.
Hide Armor: Leather armor with an animal hide sewn onto it, using the head as a helm and running the paws over the forearms. Common hides include lions, bears, gorillas, and jaguars, though others are possible. Extends to the wrists and knees.
Obsidiman Skin: Only used by the barbaric and decadent, and draws very negative, often aggressive reactions from trolls and obsidimen. Does not come with a helm.
Ring Mail: Leather armor with metal rings sewn on. Also includes brigantine and studded leather (more heavily studded than D&D version). Extends to the wrists and knees, and comes with a helm.
Fernweave: Armor made of living deep forest herbs, vines, and other plants. It must be watered every three days with a full day's water ration, or else it goes dormant and loses its Mystic Armor bonus. Even if neglected for a full season, it can be revived. Does not come with a helm.
Chain Mail: Armor made of interlocking metal rings, worn over leather or padded cloth armor. Extends to the wrists and the knees, and comes with a helm.
Blood Pebbles: Hundreds of small pieces of living crystal are implanted all over the owner's body (part of the cost of purchase). This takes a weaponsmith or elementalist eight hours and causes 4 points of permanent damage, which can only be healed if the armor is removed. They are not implanted into the head.
Crystal Ringlet: Armor made of interlocking rings of living crystal. The mystic armor bonus of the living crystal is sustained by a yearly enchantment which costs 100 sp. Extends to the wrists and the knees, and comes with a helm. Even if neglected for centuries, living crystal can be revived.
Banded Armor: Leather armor with overlapping metal plates riveted onto it. Includes scale and lamellar armors, and the Roman Lorica Segmentata. Extends to the wrists and the knees, and comes with a helm.
Living Crystal: Like Blood Pebbles, but more extreme. Columns of living crystal completely cover the user's body except for the head. Implanting them takes a trained weaponsmith or elementalist three days and causes 5 points of damage that cannot be healed until it is removed.
Plate Mail: Fitted metal plates that cover the entire body, worn over leather or padded cloth, and held on with straps. While it does not limit mobility, its weight slows the wearer down considerably.
Crystal Plate: Plate armor made from living crystal. Very heavy, and the joints sometimes grind. The mystic armor bonus of the crystal is sustained by a yearly enchantment that costs 2000 sp. Even if neglected for centuries, living crystal can be revived.
Buckler: A small, slightly domed disc of metal strapped to the arm. Only bucklers do not interfere with reloading of missile weapons and use of bows and crossbows.
Ferndask: A buckler made of the same materials as Fernweave armor. Like fernweave, it needs watering to keep its mystic armor bonus and can be revived even if neglected for a season. However, it only needs half a day's ration of water every three days.
Footman's Shield: Includes round shields and winged shields. Made of wood with a metal rim. Covers the torso, and can be used to guard the head or thighs. Usually quite unweildly when mounted.
Rider's Shield: Lighter than a footman's shield and better shaped to protect a rider, includes most kite shields. Made of wood with a metal rim. Covers the torso, and can be used to guard the head or thighs.
Crystal Viking Shield: A metal frame fitted with living crystals. These must be enchanted yearly at a cost of 25 sp, or they go dormant and lose their mystic armor bonus. Even if neglected for centuries, living crystal can be revived.
Body Shield: Includes the huge Norman teardrop shields and the Roman Scutum. A wooden shield with metal rim that covers the bearer from neck to knee.
Armor does not cut it as clothing. Nor can you go naked. You need clothes. Richer clothes will impress quite a few people, especially merchants.
You can buy a full suit of clothes for less than the pieces cost. The package deals are:
Peasant Garb: Plain shirt, belt, sandals, plain breeches; 11 cp. Or plain dress, belt, & sandals, 25 cp.
Traveler's Garb: Wool cloak, plain brooch, soft boots, belt, plain shirt, plain breeches: 8 sp. With linen robe or plain dress instead of shirt & breeches: 9 sp.
Wealthy Traveler's Garb: Riding boots, merchant's shoes, fine hat, belt, silk or satin lined cloak, three patterened shirts, either patterned dress or guild breeches: 40 sp. With embroidered robe instead of dress or breeches: 50 sp.
Belt: 5 cp.
Boots, Soft (walking): 1
Boots, Riding: 4
Boots, Mountain: 8
Boots, Dry: 275. These boots are enchanted with True Water to be completely waterproof. If water gets in them, it is very hard to get out.
Breeches, Plain: 4cp
Breeches, Merchant's: 1
Breeches, Guild: 7
Brooch, Plain: 2
Brooch, Ornamental: 12
Brooch, Silver: 15
Brooch, Gold: 120
Brooch, Cloaksense: 350. By spending one point of strain, you can use this brooch to probe for people within 5 yards who are about to sneak attack you. You then roll your Initiative step against a difficulty number of any potential attacker's Spell Defense. Even if there is no one there, you still must pay the strain. Depending on your apparent level of alertness, the GM may ask you if you wish to use the brooch when it is appropriate. At times, he will do so even if nobody is there.
Cloak, Wool: 5
Cloak, Satin- or silk-lined: 14
Cloak, Fur-trimmed: 50
Cloak, Espagra-scale: 120. These electric-blue cloaks are very fashionable, in part because espagra are dangerous wild beasts. The elemental air in espagra scales makes the cloak shimmer and gleam, and also gives a bonus of +1 to mystic armor. If you are not wearing any armor, the espagra-scale cloak gives 3 points of physical armor.
Cloak, Dwarf Winternight: 275. Magically treated, waterproof and guaranteed to keep you warm in the coldest weather. Provides 4 points of armor against cold-based attacks.
Cloak, Theran Couterer's: 380. In spite of the beauty, costliness, stylishness, and construction of Theran haute coutere, it tends to elicit negative reactions in much of Barsaive because of peoples' antipathy towards Thera.
Dress, Plain: 2
Dress, Patterned: 7
Dress, Embroidered: 22
Dress, Satin: 100
Dress, Ball Gown: 250
Dress, Theran Couterer's Gown: 560
Enchantment, Warmth: 250/garment. Usually put on cloaks, to keep the wearer warm in all temperatures. As it does not respond as fast as the enchantments placed on dwarf winternight cloaks, it does not protect from cold attacks.
Enchantment, Everclean: 250/garment. Usually put on cloaks. These enchantments actively repel dirt and other stains, but they can be overcome.
Gloves, Leather: 2
Gloves, Quiet Finger: 140. If you use your hands to pick a lock or pocket while wearing these gloves, the difficulty number for others to spot you doing so is increased by 1.
Hat, Felt or Straw (the Farmer Brown): 4 cp
Hat, Woolen Cap: 8cp
Hat, Fine quality: 9
Hat, Courtier's: 18
Hat, One-size: 35. A one-size hat of approximately the right size will shape itself to fit anyone's head, even a troll, obsidiman, or t'skrang.
Hooded Mask: 3. Sure to make people suspicous.
Hose, Plain: 5 cp
Hose, Silk: 20
Jacket, Wool: 12
Jacket, Silk: 90
Jacket, Courtier's: 170
Pin: 1
Robe, Linen: 15 cp
Robe, Embroidered: 15
Robe, Elfweave: 80. These extraordinarily fine and beautiful garments are only made by elves. Mostly worn by elves and a few humans. Despite denials of magical properties, it is often said that they never drape properly on orks or dwarfs.
Sandals: 2 cp
Shirt, Plain: 2 cp
Shirt, Patterned: 1
Shirt, Silk: 45
Shoes, Merchant: 2
Shoes, Courtier's: 40
Scarf: 5
Sword Scabbard: 5
Toga: 5 cp
Tunic: 4 cp
I use $ to indicate silver pieces and # to indicate pounds.
Adventurer's Kit: Backpack, bedroll, flint & steel, torch, waterskin, large sack: 10#, 15$
Adventurer's Kit With Small Tent: The tent sleeps two. 25#, 40$.
Artisan's Tools: You are presumed to start the game with the tools needed to practice your artisan skill. These are replacement costs.
Carving: 15$, 1#
Sculpting: 30$, 1#
Painting: 45$, 2#
Embroidery/Sewing: 25$, 1#
Upandal's Blessing: 450$, 1#. An all-purpose wood, stone, & metal working tool that allows a chance to correct mistakes less than 3 minutes after they are made.
Backpack: 5$, 3#
Bedroll: 5$, 2#
Bedroll of Comfort: 340$, 2#. Completely climate-controlled, for comfort in heat, cold, dank, and muggy conditions.
Belt Pouch: 8 cp, 1#
Belt Pouch, Quiet: 65$, 1#. Enchanted very much like Quiet Gloves, so beggars & thieves won't hear your money jingle.
Blanket: 15$, 3#
Candles, 2: 7cp, 1/2#
Chain, light (per 10 feet): 10$, 5#
Chain, heavy (per 10 feet): 50$, 10#
Chalk, 5 pcs: 3 cp, 1/2#
Chalk, Firefly: 12$ per stick. This chalk is enchanted to be faintly luminescent.
Cleaning Broom: 25$, 1/2#. A whisk broom enchated to grab and hold loose dirt, dust, lint, &c, which it releases upon command.
Fire Starter: 100$, 1/4#. a 6 inch wand that produces a 2 inch flame at one end on command, to light tinder, oil, wicks, etc.
Fish Hook: 1cp
Fish Net (15 sq feet): 15$, 10#
Flint & Steel: 1$, 1#
Forge Tools: 100$, 20#. Weaponsmiths use their master's or else their forge's tools while they are training. When they leave, they have to buy their own set. Some forges rent tools.
Grappling Hook: 10$, 5#
Healer's Kit: 75$, 5#. Contains bandages, salves, ointments, &c for 3 treatments. Adds 1 step to patient's next Recovery Test.
Healer Kit Refill: 50$
Heat Stone: 100$, 2#. Treated with True Earth & Fire, gives off heat for up to a year. Warms rooms, beds, and food.
Lamp, Season: 350$, 15#. A large & very elaborate hanging lantern that acts as a 1 room climate control system.
Lantern, Hooded: 9$, 6#. Lights the area within 30 feet.
Lantern, Bullseye: 27$, 6#. Lights a beam 150 feet long.
Lantern, Light Quartz: 75$, 8# Does not need oil, works underwater & regardless of wind. Available as either a hooded or bullseye lantern.
Map or scroll case: 8cp, 3#
Musical Instrument, Whistle: 2cp, 1#
Musical Instrument, Flute: 2$, 1#
Musical Instrument, Drum: 7$, 4#
Musical Instrument, Lute: 25$, 3#
Musical Instrument, Horn: 70$, 7#
Musical Instrument, Wind Enchanted: +250$ or more. Enchanting a wind instrument with True Air will add +1 step to most music-based effects.
Oil (1 flask): 6$, 1/2#. This is the same oil described in Throwing Weapons. It fuels a lantern for eight hours.
Paper or parchment (per sheet) 1$
Piton: 9cp, 2#
Pot, Hot: 100$, 4#. A ceramic pot that heats itself on command. Temperature cannot be adjusted.
Pot, Iron: 20$, 5#
Pot of Grumbah: 75-200$, 8-20#. Black iron pots with airtight lids that cool their contents on command. Triples spoilage time of contents. Cost varies with size.
Rations, Trail, for 5 days: 10$, 6#. Jerky, nuts, & dried fruit.
Rations, Dwarf Mine, for 5 days: 25$, 4#. Dried subterranean plants and fungi. If you eat only mine rations, you add 1 step to your first recovery test the next day. They taste awful. After 5 days, with nothing else, you must make a Willpower test to keep eating them. For dwarfs and obsidimen, the difficulty number is 2. For orks, trolls, and humans, it is 3. For elves, windlings, and t'skrang, it is 4. It goes up by one every 5 days you eat them.
Rope, 10 feet: 8$, 5#. This rope is fairly heavy hemp, about 3/4 inch in diameter.
Rope, 25 feet: 15$, 12#
Rope, 50 feet: 25$, 25#
Sack, Large: 2$, 1#
Sack, small: 1$
Sewing Kit: 5$
Tent: 30$, 15#. This is a 2 man pup tent.
Thief's picks and tools: 100$, 1#. Thief adepts will not normally need these.
Torch: 5cp, 1#
Traveler's Mug: 350$, 1#. Fills once a day with cool, clean, fresh water.
Whetstone: 2cp, 1#. A weaponsmith can find these by spending time.
Water/Wine Skin: 2$, 1/2# empty, 3# full.
Writing Ink, 1 vial: 10$, 1/2#
Healing takes time. Normally, you can take your first recovery test 1 hour after taking damage, and your remaining tests at 1 hour intervals after that. Healing aids do NOT reduce this time. You can normally only heal Wounds on your first recovery test of the day, and only if you do not have any damage. However, many healing aids do help you recover wounds sooner and faster. While the benefits of potions do not stack, you can stack a potion, spells, and talents on one recovery test, with a limit of three bonuses to the recovery step.
Minor Booster Potion: 30$, 1#. This will give you a 4 step bonus to your next recovery test. If you have no recovery tests left for the day, it is worthless.
Booster Potion: 50$, 1#. As a minor booster, but with an 8 step bonus.
Salve of Wound Closure: Using this salve on a Wound causes your next recovery test to heal that Wound, instead of any damage you may have. If you have no recovery tests left for the day, it is worthless.
Lesser Healing Potion: This will heal a Wound immediately prior to your next recovery test, and grant a 4 step bonus to the test. If you have no recovery tests left for the day, it grants one at step 4.
Healing Potion: 300$, 1#. As a lesser healing potion, but with 8 steps instead of 4.
Last Chance Salve: 600$, 2#. Applying this salve to a person who has been dead for less than 1 hour grants him all his remaining recovery tests for the day at once. If there were none left, it grants one at the normal step. If he heals enough to reduce damage below his death rating, he is revived. Otherwise, he is lost.
Confidence Booster: Increases the drinker's Willpower or Willforce step by 5 when resisting any fear effect. Lasts for 2 hours, and causes 3 points of Strain when it wears off.
Hammertail Oil: 60 sp/dose; weighs 1 lb. Applied to t'skrang tails; enhances the damage step of Unarmed Combat tail attacks to Str+7 for 1 hour. Reduces swimming step by 1.
Midnight Oil: 125 sp/10 doses, which weigh 1/4 lb. Doubles visual acuity (range) in all obscured conditions, and allows 10 yds of vision in total non-magical darkness. Each dose lasts 43 + step 10 minutes.
Oil of Astral Sight: 100 sp/5 doses, weighs 1/4 lb. Enhaces astral sight, allowing vision to 15xRank yards in astral space, and note movement to 20xRank yards. Normal sight ranges are x1/2; perception tests based on vision are at -2 steps. A dose lasts 10 minutes.