Also Known As: Gar, the Kid.
Description: Male elf, aged 19 (ie, just hit elven puberty), 4'7", 92 lbs. Tan skin, platinum hair, featureless white eyes.
Discipline: Wizard 1
Dex: 14/6 Str: 9/4 Tough: 13/6 Per: 19/8 Will: 15/6 Cha: 13/6 PD: 8 SpD: 10 SoD 7 MV: 70/35 Init: AR: DR: 35 UR: 27 WT: 9 Rec: 2/1 Max Karma: 20 Karma Cost: 10 Karma Step: d6 Race Ability: Dark Sight |
(2)Literate in Throalic (3)Speaks Throalic and Sperethiel |
Permanent Damage:
Carry: 105
Lift: 210
Current Load: 46.5
Gear and Permanent Threads
Dagger, 1#
Hide Armor, 5/1/-1, 25#
Buckler, 1/0/0, 5#
Backpack, 3#
Bedroll, 2#
Belt Pouch, 1#
Clothing: Plain cloak, plain brooch, plain shirt, plain belt, plain breeches, soft boots.
Flint & Steel, 1#
Large Sack, 1#
Map Case, 3#
Parchment, 10 sheets
Torch, 1#
Vial of Ink, 1/2#
Waterskin, 3#
Spell | circle | threads | weave | attune | range | duration | effect | difficulty |
Astral Sense | 1 | 2 | 5 | 15 | 60 yds | 10+Rank min | WF+6 | 6+ |
Bedazzling Display | 1 | 0 | - | 7 | self | Rank min | Cha+6 | SpD |
Crushing Will | 1 | 1 | 8 | 16 | 120 yds | 1 rd | WF+5 | SpD |
Divine Aura | 1 | 1 | 6 | 14 | 25 yds | 5+Rank min | WF+5 | SpD |
Ignite | 1 | 0 | - | 11 | 5 yds | 1 rd | fire | SpD |
Mind Dagger | 1 | 0 | - | 7 | 40 yds | 1 rd | WF+2 | SpD |
Silent Converse | 1 | 1 | 5 | 13 | 100 yds | 5+Rank min | WF | 4 |
Triangulate | 1 | 0 | - | 10 | 500 yds | 1 rd | measure | SpD |
Spells Descriptions:
WF is Willforce or Willpower until Willforce is learned. Rank is rank in Spellcasting. SpD is Spell Defense of the target.
Astral Sense: Casting starts the spell. Compare WF tests to SpD of nearby astral imprints; success makes imprints visible.
Bedazzling Display of Logical Analysis: This adds 6 steps to all tests based on the wizard's charisma for making arguments.
Crushing Will: This spell does effect step damage, reduced by mystic armor.
Divine Aura: The wizard actually casts this spell on himself to examine the auras of living beings within range. He makes an Effect Test against the subject's SpD; success lets him spot changes in the being's aura.
Ignite: This spell lights flammable inanimate objects. When used on clothing, it does step 4 damage the first round and step 2 damage each round until extinguished, which is resisted by Mystic Armor.
Mind Dagger: This spell does effect step damage, reduced by mystic armor.
Silent Converse: This spell lets the wizard converse with people he can see. He must make an effect test against the target's SpD to start a conversation, or start conversing with a new target. Anyone within 3' of either person can hear the conversation.
Triangulate: This spell lets the wizard measure the distance to objects he can see, to the inch.
Legend Points Earned:
Legend Points Spent: