Rather than tally costs on every item of your lifestyle and upkeep, I'm providing an overall monthly cost for various lifestyles. Availability of adventuring gear presumes you've kept the lifestyle for at least six months.
Homeless: You have no home and no gear, and you scrounge everything you eat and wear. The closest you come to a bath is getting caught in the rain. Free.
Poor: You sleep on the floor of a flophouse, and get enough to eat. You buy your clothes secondhand. You get sponge baths. Meat is a luxury. 15 sp a month.
Lower Class: Your bed is a straw tick or a frame with a rope net, but your room has no lock. You eat sausage or fried meat every three days, and you can afford warm clothes and inexpensive perfumes. You get a full bath monthly and wash every week.
Middle Class: You have a room with a bed, and you can bar the door when you're there. You eat meat every day and drink ale or wine instead of water. Your clothes may be plain, but you bought them new, and you get a bath every week. 70 sp/month. You have sturdy traveling clothes and any advernturing gear under 5sp you think you should.
Typical adventuring adept: 70sp/circle/month. You never run out of basic supplies and all your gear is kept in very good condition.
Wealthy: Your home has locks on the doors and is vermin-free. You wear patterned clothes and better perfumes, and you have some even more distinctive clothes. You probably own a mount. You eat vegetables and either lean meat or fine fish every day. You drink good wine and ale. You have most mundane adventuring gear under 100sp, including a booster potion or two, on hand at all times. 250 sp/month
Very wealthy: Your home is large and has magic locks on the doors, and you have at least a housekeeper. You own a mount and/or a coach. You wear quite a bit of distinctive and enchanted clothing, some of which is very luxurious, and about four times a month, you indulge in a sumptuous, nine-course feast. You have just about any adventuring gear under 500 sp that you think you should, including a couple of booster potions, a salve of wound closure, and a healing potion. 650 sp/month
Filthy Rich: Your home is very large and abounds with magical amenities--heat stones, light crystals, massaging baths, as well as a staff and a stable. Unless otherwise noted, your clothing is distinctive and enchanted, and often luxurious. You enjoy sumptuous feasts every three days or so. You have any adventuring gear you think you should, short of plate mail and Named magic items. 1500sp/month.