Also Known As: Rin, Rinquo of the Lands
Description: Human male, aged 20, 5'8", 98 lbs. Earthy brown hair, light tan skin with scars around wrists, grey eyes. Seems quiet and helpful.
Dex: 16/7 Str: 11/5 Tough: 13/6 Per: 18/7 Will: 12/5 Cha: 13/6 PD: 9 SpD: 10 SoD 7 MV: 75/38 Init: 7 AR: 4/1/0 DR: 35 UR: 27 WT: 9 Rec: 2/1 Max Karma: 40 Karma Cost: 6 Karma Step: d8 Race Ability: Versatility |
count towards Circle Advancement. (1)Speaks Throalic and Human (2)Literate in Throalic |
Permanent Damage:
Carry: 80
Lift: 160
Current Load: 66.5
Gear and Permanent Threads
Whip, 1#
Shortbow, 3#
20 arrows, 5#
Quiver (holds 20), 3#
Dagger, 1#
Padded leather, 20#
3 Sets of travel garb (each dyed a diffrent set of colors, Forests, mountants, plains) 10#
Backpack, 3#
bedroll, 2#
flint & steel, 1#
torch, 1#
waterskin, 3#
large sack 1#
5 days worth of Rations, Trail 6#
hooded lantern 6#
Oil (one flask)1/2#
Legend Points Earned: 100
Legend Points Spent: