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Also Known As: Yawen Birdsong

Description: Human female, aged 14, 4'10" & slim, short black hair, brown eyes.

Discipline: Troubadour 1

Dex: 16/7
Str: 9/4
Tough: 10/5
Per: 15/6
Will: 12/5
Cha: 18/7
PD: 9
SpD: 8
SoD: 10
MV: 75/38
Init: 7
AR: 0/1/0
DR: 31
UR: 22
WT: 8
Rec: 2/1
Max Karma: 40
Karma Cost: 6
Karma Step: d8
Race Ability: Versatility
Emotion Song3Cha0DT10
First Impression2Cha0NN9
Karma Ritual1---T1
Melee Weapon0Dex0NY7
Mimic Voice1Per0DY7
R/W Language(2)1Per0Y7
Speak Language(3)2Per0N8
Passions Lore(k)1Per0N7
Throalic Law(k)1Per0N7
*Versatility and Talents learned through it do not count
toward circle advancement.
(1)Disguises take time to don. However, using them
is a free action.
(2)Can read & write Throalic.
(3)Can speak Throalic and Human.

Permanent Damage:

Carry: 60
Lift: 115
Current Load: 40.5
Gear and Permanent Threads
Backpack, 3#
bedroll, 2#
flint & steel, 1#
torch, 1#
waterskin, 3#
large sack, 1#
Small Tent, 15#
Lute, 3#
1 weeks trail rats, 6#
dagger, 1#
Vial of Ink, 1/2#
10 sheet of parchment
Map case, 3#
Belt Pouch, 1#

Legend Points Earned: 100
Legend Points Spent:

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