Also Known As: Zel, Zelgibar Trollface
Description: Male t'skrang, aged 20, 5'6", 190 lbs, blue-green skin, with deposits of dk brown/burnt umber trolthelia on his body; the most noticeable ones run under his eyes and around the outside corners.
Discipline: Nethermancer 1
Dex: 14/6 Str: 11/5 Tough: 14/6 Per: 17/7 Will: 16/7 Cha: 9/4 PD: 8 SpD: 9 SoD 6 MV: 65/33 Init: AR: 6/3/-1 DR: 36 UR: 28 WT: 10 Rec: 3/1 Max Karma: 25 Karma Cost: 8 Karma Step: d6 Race Ability: tail attack |
(2)Speaks Throalic and t'skrang. (3)Literate in Throalic. |
must make S (9)test to free himself. *Oil does step 5 damage for 3 rounds or until put out. **Net entangles target(s) which must make a S test v. net attack roll to free themselves. |
Permanent Damage:
Carry: 80
Lift: 160
Current Load: 47 1/8
Gear and Permanent Threads
Knife, 5/8#
Oil Flask, 1/2#
Short Sword, 2#
Net, 5#
Whip, 1#
Hard Leather Armor, 5/0/-1, 20#
Buckler, 1/0/0, 5#
Travel Garb: Plain robe, soft boots, belt, plain brooch, wool cloak
Backpack, 3#
Bedroll, 2#
Belt Pouch, 1#
Flint & Steel, 1#
Large Sack, 1#
Torch, 1#
Waterskin, 3#
Embroidery Kit, 1#
Spell | circle | threads | weave | attune | range | duration | effect | difficulty |
Astral Spear | 1 | 1 | 6 | 12 | 120 Yds | 1 rd | WF+6 | SpD |
Bone Dance | 1 | 1 | 7 | 15 | 25 yds | 3+Rank rds | WF+4 | SpD |
Detect Undead | 1 | 0 | - | 7 | Touch | 3+R min | Target's WF+5 | SpD |
Dry and Wet | 1 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 15 yds | 1 rd | WF+4 | SpD |
Insect Repellant | 1 | 1 | 6 | 7 | Touch | 3+Rank min | WF+5 | 2 |
Spirit Dart | 1 | 0 | - | 7 | 25 yds | 1 rd | WF+2 | SpD |
Spirit Grip | 1 | 0 | - | 7 | Touch | 1 rd | WF+6 | SpD |
Spells Descriptions:
SpD is always Spell Defense of Target. WF is always Willforce, which defaults to Willpower.
Astral Spear: Causes damage, resisted by Mystic Armor.
Bone Dance: If effect test>=target's S step, target is forced into random spastic movement, else target has step penalty = Rank for all tests requiring movement.
Detect Undead: Target rolls his WF+5 vs. highest SpD of any undead within 25 yds. Success tells target how many undead there are in range.
Dry and Wet: Can soak dry things or dry soaked ones. Effect test gives number of lbs which can be soaked or dried.
Insect Repellant: Insects of all sizes must make a W test v. nethermancer's Effect roll, or leave subject of spell completely alone.
Spirit Dart: Causes damage, resisted by Mystic Armor.
Spirit Grip: Causes damage resisted by Physical Armor. Cannot be cast in areas proofed against spirits, entities, or undead.
Legend Points Earned:
Legend Points Spent: